Why Choose Us?
At Sports & Wellness Physical Therapy, we empower people to reclaim the life they deserve—a life free from reliance on painkillers, constant doctor's appointments, and limitations on activities they love.
When faced with chronic pain or injury, it's tempting to hope it will 'go away on its own' with time and rest. However, this is often not the case.
You might feel confused or skeptical, having sought advice from other healthcare professionals or physical therapists in the past without seeing improvement.
Can You Relate?
If that sounds like you, you're not alone. We hear this all the time. In fact, the people who come to see us often have:
Thought the pain would go away on its own, but it didn't.
Visited the doctor multiple times, only to be advised to "rest" and "take some painkillers." Weeks later, upon revisiting the doctor, was prescribed more rest and an even stronger dose of painkillers.
Tried a few YouTube exercises, but they either didn't help or made the pain 10 times worse.
Thought resting would help because the pain was so bad, but it only made the area even more stiff and tight.
Been told that "everyone gets aches and pains as they get older," making it easy to accept it's "just a part of life."